Language of Love
What is my purpose?
What do I really want out of my life?
Why are we here?
Who am I?
Why am I so different?
We want to achieve, reach a goal, to accomplish something because it gives us something in return or gives us something to work towards. However, many a time this does not seem enough. It is almost as if something is going on but we don’t what. We are restless, uncomfortable and seeking. Not knowing where to look we resign ourselves to what we have. Language of Love is a four-hour workshop that takes you through a journey called you. It starts with your unconscious zone or your soul existence and ends with your human or conscious existence.
By the end of the session
- Resolve deep seated issues
- Find answers to those personal burning questions in your life
- Connect with your real self, identify your perceived self and recognize your ideal self
- Build a bridge between who you are and what you express
- Dare to dream, make the dream happen and live your dream
Duration: Four Hours
Dress code: Comfortable clothing that allows movement
Please note:
- What you receive is what you are ready to receive.
- Individual experiences will vary
- Practitioner’s discretion will be exercised while sharing information