Breakthroughs | Case Studies | Testimonials

Case Studies


Damini* (Female, 28 Years)

Damini suffered from kidney failure due to which a transplant had to be done one and a half year before she started treatment with Aashwasan. She has had many health complications – creatinine levels, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, high amounts of uric acid and urea in the body. She would suffer from Urinary Tract Infections regularly and was getting abscess quite frequently. She was on medication for all these conditions and was getting depressed and losing interest in herself. She put on weight due to various factors. She felt miserable that she had to depend on someone to help her all the time. Her eyesight had gone bad and so reading was a problem. Her passion is writing and bad eyesight was frustrating. Her business was designing cards and supplying them to corporate organizations. But nothing was moving as per her wishes. She felt that life had stopped. All these frustrations would come out as guilt, anger, irritability and sadness. She felt totally insecure and helpless.

After a set of 7 sessions, she got out of depression, helplessness and frustration. Her eyesight improved to an extent that she started reading the bigger print on her own; she revisited her business of greeting cards. She felt very motivated. This time the response that she got for her creation was stupendous. She is very happy and confident that now even if she feels tired, she can still go on with her passion of writing and creating cards. She started her morning walks. She started feeling lighter. Her anger, irritability and sadness reduced so much that even her family felt it. Her husband who came for deaddiction program also got rid of his smoking, which gave her immense relief. She felt more energetic. She feels more relaxed now than before. Life is no longer static for her.

*Names are changed to maintain confidentiality